• Living With Pain

    Chronic disease is a major problem in U.S. health care. More than one-third of Americans have one or more chronic diseases, including heart disease, diabetes, and cancer. The personal costs to patients and families are often severe, daily, and ongoing. The economic costs to society are almost $1 trillion

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  • Will You be Coming?

    An old cliche for getting to know someone in a new social situation entails asking, "What's your sign?" The notion, of course, is that a simple identifier such as astrological sign would provide grounding for a potential relationship - romance, friendship, or even a new bowling partner. As there are

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  • An Ounce of Prevention

    Everyone knows the old adage that declares "an ounce of prevention is worth a pound of cure." This time-honored wisdom certainly makes sense. We wouldn't wait until we were riding on the wheel rim before we repaired a leaking automobile tire. We wouldn't wait until there were obvious signs of termite damage to our home before calling in the pest control experts. But, in contrast, many of us fail to implement the same kinds of straightforward preventive measures to help ensure appropriate levels of physical fitness and ongoing good health.

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  • Your Spinal IQ

    Your IQ that's measured in school has to do with problem solving - mental gymnastics. Your spinal IQ also has to do with problem solving - these are "problems" of the physical kind.How far to bend over to lift those grocery bags out of your car's trunk? How much muscle force is necessary to pick up and

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  • What's Your Sign?

    "Who you are speaks so loudly I can't hear what you're saying." This truism is well-known in human potential circles and can often be heard at personal growth-and-development seminars. But the implications of this meaningful phrase are often ignored in our day-to-day activities and relationships. Sometimes

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